What Causes Women’s Hair Loss and How to Treat It

Woman looking at the sea

Hair loss in women is more common than you may think. Up to 40 percent of women experience hair loss. The pattern of hair loss, though, is different for women than it is for men.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

The most common type of hair loss in women is Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL, for short, and also called androgenetic alopecia). In FPHL hair follicles get smaller and start producing shorter and thinner hairs. Eventually, the follicles may stop producing any hair at all, and then the follicles themselves may disappear.

The first sign of FPHL is usually a wider space in the center part. The hair then gets thinner on the top of the scalp and at the crown. However, women with FPHL don’t have the kind of receding hairline that men experience when they start going bald.

Aging and Menopause

About half of all women may experience hair loss or hair thinning during or after menopause because of changes in hormone levels. Aging itself, aside from menopause, can also cause hair loss, and this can be an inherited trait.


Thyroid disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, anemia, and many other diseases and conditions can contribute to hair thinning or loss in women.

Stress and Diet

Stress can also cause women to lose hair, at least for as long as the stress continues. Poor nutrition, including eating too little protein, calcium, and Vitamin D, can also be a factor. However too many supplements can cause hair loss as well, so aim for moderation in nutrition.

Treatment Options for Women’s Hair Loss

Talk to Your Doctor

It’s a good idea to start by talking to your doctor or a dermatologist to determine the cause of your hair loss and whether there are any specific treatments that would help.


You can try minoxidil (sold under the brand names Rogaine and Theroxidil and in generic form), which is available over the counter. It may help, but has several drawbacks —

  • It doesn’t work for all women.
  • You have to try it for several months before you will know if it works for you.
  • It won’t restore your hair to its former thickness.
  • If you stop taking it, hair loss will resume.

Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a good option for women, especially when a lot of hair has been lost. If you are intrigued about the idea of getting a hair transplant in New York to restore the appearance of your hair, contact us at Metropolitan Vein and Aesthetic Center. Call us today at 914-295-2202 to learn more about why a hair transplant can be the right choice for you.

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